
Week 1

Title: Fábrica de Relaciones de Recurrencia de Segundo Orden en Python para Secuencias de Fibonacci y Lucas a partir de Identidades en Álgebras de Jordan Especiales

Title: Una aplicación del teorema de Sturmfels en la familia de gráficas K-completas. 

Title: Castelnuovo-Mumford Regularity of Edge Ideals

Title: Arndt Compositions: Connections with Fibonacci Numbers, Statistics, and Generalizations

Title: Inconexion aciclica de torneos circuantes bipartitos

Title: Aspectos combinatorios de las curvas elípticas 

Title: Orbits of Defective Parking Functions

Title: On atom ordering classes of Whitney duals of geometric lattices

Title: Maximal Number of k-cycles in a d-regular Graph

Title: Integer Points in Convex Cones 

Title: Teoria de Fredholm 

Title: Exploración de las Celdas de Voronoi en Lattices de primer tipo: Un enfoque geométrico y combinatorio.

Title: Exploring Open Questions about Polytopes

Title: Torres de lego: Poliminós convexos por filas

Title: On multi-symmetric functions and transportation polytopes

Title: Optimal Resource Placement: Dominating Sets for a Family of Semiregular Tiling Graphs

Title: Tiered Parking Functions

Title: Conteo en poliminos generalizados de Fibonacci

Title: Linear factors in konstant vector partition functions of root systems of type

Title: Constante de cuantización para retículos euclidianos de Tipo I en dimensiones bajas.

Title: The Tamarea: a whole zoo of lattices

Title: h^*-polyomials of Cosmological Polytopes

Title: Convex Geometry of Building Sets

Title: Kronecker coefficieints, polytopes and complexity

Title: Szemeredi-Trotter's theorem in arbitrary fields

Title: Ehrhart Positivity of Panhandle Matroids and a Bound for Paving Matroids

Title: Chow rings and augmented Chow rings of uniform matroids and their q-analogs

Title: Mixed Volumes of Normal Complexes

Title: Representaciones de extensiones afines de variedades abelianas

Week 2

Title: Barile-Macchia resolutions of monomial ideals

Title: Quantitative Transversal Theorems in the Plane

Title: Índice de sombor en operadores 

Title: Maximal Roman domination of zero-divisor graph

Title: A survey  on common index divisors and monogenity  of number fields defined by quadrinomials.

Title: Hessenberg Varieties and K-orbit Closures

Title: Some homological invariants of edge rings

Title: La teoría de especies y sus relaciones con las funciones simétricas

Title: Bifurcación de Hopf en un sistema autónomo presa-predador con crecimineto logistico y respuesta funcional de Holling tipo II

Title: Molecular Covers and Minimal Free Resolutions

Title: A bijection between the triangulation of the associahedron and the parking functions.

Title: Explosiones de nash en variedades toricas

Title: Deep Tropical Networks

Title: An explicit formula for  the number of Subgroup Chains of the group $Z_{p^{n}}\times A_4$, n is a natural number, p is any prime number

Title: The Tropical Degree Of A Tropical Root Surface

Title: Principal specializations of Schubert polynomials, multi-layered permutations and asymptotics

Title: Combinatorial description for exotic cohomology rings of rank 2 root systems using Schubert calculus

Title: Random Generation of Pseudoline Arrangements

Title: An algebraic perspective on a problem of Erdős and Lovász

Title: Computational Complexity of Real Stability

Title: Análisis topológico de filtraciones y teoría de Morse en variedades algebraicas mediante el uso de teselaciones de Voronoï

Title: Integrales trigonométricas cuadradas con representación exponencial compleja 

Title: Proof of a Conjecture of Matherne, Morales, And Selover on Encodings of Unit Interval Orders 

Title: On linear intervals in the alt ν-Tamari lattices